Archived: Kima Otung - When out of Poverty is Born
Resource ID
Contributed by
Adam Haggerty
Name of person(s) featured
Kima Otung
24 November 20
Consent form received
Musician, Kima Otung, performs "When out of Poverty is Born."
This piece forms part of the Christmas 2020 online campaign.
Organic social (long version) and paid social (short version) are in 1x1.
A Chruches and YouTube version are in 16x9.
Background information
When out of poverty is born
a dream that will not die
and landless, weary folk find strength
to stand with heads held high,
it’s then we learn from those who wait
to greet the promised day:
‘The Lord is coming; don’t lose heart.
Be blest: prepare the way!’
When people wander far from God,
forget to share their bread,
they find their wealth an empty thing,
their spirits are not fed.
For only just and tender love
the hungry soul will stay.
And so God’s prophets echo still:
‘Be blest: prepare the way!’
When God took flesh and came to earth,
the world turned upside down,
and in the strength of woman’s faith
the Word of Life was born.
She knew that God would raise the low,
it pleased her to obey.
Rejoice with Mary in the call,
‘Be blest: prepare the way!
Lyrics by Kathy Galloway
Marker lat / long: 54, -2 (WGS84)